Note: If you are having difficulty accessing any of Eli’s published work, please do not hesitate to contact them!

Peer-Reviewed Articles

“The Formal and Real Subsumption of Gender Relations: Challenging the Transhistorical Status of ‘Patriarchy’” with Larry Alan Busk. Historical Materialism (Forthcoming)

“The Weapon of Theory Reconsidered: Anti-Colonial Marxism and the Post-Cold War Present.” Radical Philosophy Review, 25.1 (2022)

“Natural History and Anti-Colonial Critique: Critical Theory and Caribbean Decolonization.” Dissonância: Critical Theory Journal, 4 (2021).

“Disenchantment Redux: Marx, the Frankfurt School, and the Critique of Ideology.” Co-Authored with Óscar Ralda. Chiasma: A Site for Thought, (2021).

“Mediation and Its Shadow: Ethics and Politics in Selected Works of Levinas and Adorno.” Philosophy Today, 62.3 (2019): 427-445.

“‘Caught in Its Movement’: Liberalism, Critique, and Dewey’s Implicit Philosophy of History.” Journal of the Philosophy of History, 13.3 (2019): 363-383.

“‘The Presence of the Present’: Derrida, Adorno, and the Autonomy of Philosophy.” Theoria & Praxis, 5.1 (2017).

“Who are the True Machiavellians? Althusser and Merleau-Ponty Reading The Prince.” Co- Authored with Larry Alan Busk. Rethinking Marxism, 29.3 (2017): 405-416.

Book Chapters

“The Tricontinental Recollected: Anti-Colonial Marxism for Today” in Creolizing Critical Theory: New Voices in Caribbean Philosophy, Eds. Eds. Jane Anna Gordon, Neil Roberts. Rowman & Littlefield series: Creolizing the Canon (Forthcoming 2024)

Blog Posts

“How (Not) to Think About Anti-Feminist Women” — Women in Philosophy Series @American Philosophical Association (APA) Blog